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SOS Recognizes Key Supporters

For years, SOS staff members have dreamt of uniting all of the Emporia staff under one roof. Today, SOS would like to take a moment to shine some light on a few key donors that made this dream a reality! The SOS Stronger Together Capital Campaign was by far the largest financial endeavor ever faced by the organization. It encompassed multiple years of planning, organizing and fundraising at a level they had never experienced before. WS & EC Jones Testamentary Trust, Bank of America, N.A., Trustees believed in the mission so much that they graciously built the foundation of the campaign by donating well over one million dollars towards SOS’s goal. “We couldn’t have achieved this without their support,” stated Connie Cahoone, Executive Director of SOS, as she praised the Jones Foundation.

The JE & LE Mabee Foundation Inc and Sunderland Foundation were also key supporters for the organization. Both of these foundations contributed over $400,000 towards the renovation of the new facility. “It is truly inspiring to see the support that these trusts and foundations have shown SOS through this initiative,” said Kari Wedel, Community Relations Coordinator.

Thanks to the generosity of these amazing supporters and many others, SOS now has a central location to house all of the Emporia services, they can provide additional security for all clients and staff, clients will be in closer proximity to community resources, services can be more streamlined, and most importantly, the clients will know where to go to find help. SOS is honored to have such great partnerships and they look forward to displaying the donor wall of honor at the new location, the SOS Community Advocacy & Service Complex, to highlight the wonderful supporters from the community.

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