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Phi Delta Theta Pole-Sit
2023 Phi Delta Theta Pole-Sit
We are excited to share that, once again, Phi Delta Theta Fraternity will be conducting its 38th ESU Homecoming Pole-Sit to support SOS on October 27th at 6 am and finishing on October 28th at 10 am.
The Phi Delts are dedicating the 2023 pole-sit to Executive Director Connie Cahoone who has announced her retirement at the end of March 2024. The Phi Delts want to recognize Director Cahoone’s vison, effective leadership and service to the region.
Phi Delta Theta at Emporia State University has supported SOS, Inc since 1986 and continues this tradition to help raise awareness and critical funding for SOS services and programs. Last year, Phi Delta Theta had a record year of raising over $5,500 and with your support they hope to raise even more this year!
SOS serves Chase, Coffey, Lyon, Morris, and Osage Counties with a mission to empower and advocate for those affected by domestic or sexual violence, stalking, human trafficking, child abuse, or neglect.
Cash and check donations can be delivered to SOS (1420 C of E Drive Emporia) during business hours, given directly to Phi Delta Theta members, or gifted at the ESU Pole-sit site 10/27-10/28.
To donate online towards this fundraiser:
Click the "Donate" button below, then check the box for "This is an honor or memorial gift" and type PDT, Phi Delta Theta, or Pole-sit in the "In Honor Of" field.