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There are multiple ways that you can help to support our mission and help our clients.


Donation Items & Monetary Donations:


View our wishlist of items that would benefit SOS and our clients.

Hay múltiples maneras en que usted puede ayudar a patrocinar nuestra misión y ayudar a nuestros clientes.


Artículos para Donaciones y Donaciones Monetarias:

Please Por favor, haga clic aquí para ver nuestra lista de deseos de artículos que beneficiarían a SOS y a nuestros clientes.

Por favor, considere una donación monetaria para ayudar a SOS proporcionar los mejores servicios posibles para los clientes y sus familias


Utilice su recaudador de fondos para apoyar a SOS:

Tenemos un montón de grupos y organizaciones que recaudan fondos en nombre de SOS, Inc. estamos muy agradecidos por estas asociaciones y le ayudaremos a compartir su evento con nuestros seguidores de las redes sociales. Póngase en contacto con nosotros si está planeando un evento​.


Únase al programa de recompensas para ayudar a apoyar a SOS, Inc:

Puede apoyar a SOS, Inc sin costo para usted comprando en y seleccionando SOS, Inc de Emporia. Una vez que seleccione SOS, Inc, la Fundación AmazonSmile donará el 0,5% del precio de compra en pedidos elegibles a SOS.

Más información sobre AmazonSmile


Usted puede ayudar a SOS, Inc sin costo iniciando sesión en, haga clic en “Community Rewards”, busque SOS, Inc o introduzca el código: GC260. Haga clic en inscribirse y usted apoyará SOS cada vez que compre en Dillons.

Más información sobre el programa de recompensas de Dillons



SOS ofrece a la comunidad, la oportunidad de patrocinar a una familia cubriendo necesidades básicas y regalos a todos aquellos que han lidiado con la crisis. Familias o individuos son elegibles si han trabajado con SOS consistentemente los últimos tres meses y no califican para recibir la ayuda del Ejército de Salvación. SOS generalmente tiene entre 50 a 100 personas o familias para adopción dentro de los seis condados donde SOS sirve: Chase, Coffey, Lyon, Greenwood, Morris y Osage. Si usted está interesado en adoptar a una familia o un individuo o desea donar dinero para regalos esta temporada de festividades, por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros antes de diciembre.



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Dillon's Community Rewards

You can support SOS, Inc with no cost to you by logging in at, click Community Rewards, search for SOS, Inc, or enter code: GC260. Click enroll and you will support SOS every time you shop at Dillons. 

Learn more about Dillons Reward Program



Thrivent Choice

We are enrolled in Thrivent Choice. Go to the Thriven Choice website to learn more about Thrivent Choice and how you can financially support our organization. Anyone can donate using Thrivent’s online giving platform, and eligible Thrivent clients can direct Choice Dollars®.


Holiday Drive:

SOS offers the community the opportunity to support a family by providing basic needs and gifts to families that have dealt with crises. Families or individuals are eligible if they have worked with SOS consistently within the last three months and do not qualify for assistance from the Salvation Army. SOS generally has between 50-100 people/families for adoption within the five counties SOS serves: Chase, Coffey, Lyon, Morris, and Osage.

Thank you for supporting SOS and the work that we do!

Information for Donors

Donation Refund Policy

We are extremely grateful for your donation and support of our mission. If you have made an error regarding your donation, or change your mind about contributing to SOS, please contact us immediately so we may quickly process your request. All refunds are returned using the original payment method; i.e., if your donation was made by credit card your refund will be credited to that same credit card account.

Donor Code of Conduct

Donor Code of Conduct

SOS, Inc. is delighted that you are so inspired by our cause that you have decided to support our mission through a donation. Consistent with our organization’s values, we are committed to reinforcing the safety and respect of all those we serve and interact with. Our expectation is that our donors share this desire to respect and affirm others.


As one of our valued donors, we have various duties and obligations to you, such as thanking you for your support, using your donation for the purpose for which you gave it, and not putting you under undue pressure to make further gifts. These duties and obligations are upheld in our practices. In our relationship you, the donor, also have obligations and duties to us. Through your donation to SOS, Inc. you agree to the following:


  • When I give to SOS, Inc., I realize I am making a voluntary donation to a nonprofit organization, not buying a product or service. I therefore understand that fundraisers are not selling me a product or service, and that the professional relationship between us is therefore not a customer-sales relationship.

  • I will not put conditions on my donation for the personal benefit of myself, my family or my friends, nor threaten to withhold a gift for similar reasons.

  • I will treat fundraising staff as knowledgeable professionals and always accord them the professional respect they deserve.

  • I will never discriminate against or harass anyone associated with SOS, Inc. based on their sex, gender, sexual orientation, race, class, (dis)ability, religious belief (or lack of), age or any other protected characteristic. 

  • I recognize that I have potential power in this relationship, because I am in the position to give a donation. I therefore promise not to exploit that power for personal gain.

  • I will not use my power as a donor to divert SOS, Inc. from its core mission. I understand that my gift does not entitle me to a seat on the SOS, Inc. board or to otherwise have influence on the operations or leadership of the organization.


Incidents of harassment, disrespect, or abuse will be swiftly addressed by our senior leadership and Board of Directors. SOS, Inc.’s response can potentially include everything from a caution to a donor’s public recognition being permanently removed and donation returned

¡Necesitamos tu apoyo ahora!

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