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Child Visitation & Exchange Center
The SOS Child Visitation and Exchange Center (CVEC) offers a comfortable, home-like setting for families who are in need of visitation or monitored exchange services. Since the CVEC opened its doors in 1999, over 750 families have been served through CVEC’s services.
What is a Supervised Visit?
A supervised visit allows children to have positive contact with a non-custodial parent in a neutral, family friendly environment. A CVEC Supervisor observes the visit between adult and child. Security is provided. Visits are one hour in length. Games, books and toys are available for use during services.
What is a Monitored Exchange?
A monitored exchange involves the transfer of children from one parent to another without conflict or violence, devoid of physical or verbal contact between the adults. The exchange takes place in a neutral and child-friendly atmosphere and focuses on the safety and well-being of all participants. Supervision is limited to the exchange or transfer only with the remainder of the parent/child contact remaining unsupervised. Trained CVEC Supervisors and Security are present during services.
Who can use the CVEC?
Some families are self-referred and choose to use the CVEC to help them feel safe and comfortable during exchanges and visits. Other families are referred to the CVEC by the court, mediator, attorney, community agency or law enforcement. Grandparents and extended family members may utilize services.

I feel safe during my visits and I look forward to spending time with my mom every week.
- Child at Child Visitation & Exchange Center
What are the benefits of using the CVEC?
For the Residential Parent:
You can feel comfortable allowing your child to have contact with the other parent while using CVEC services, and have some valuable time to yourself.
You do not have to communicate or have contact with a person with whom you are in conflict or by whom you might be frightened or intimidated by.
For the Non-Residential Parent:
Non-residential parents will have the opportunity to have regular, uninterrupted contact with their child/children.
Because trained, professional staff are always present during visits, parents are protected from future allegations or problems. All services are documented and the CVEC Supervisor can verify what happened during the visit. All CVEC staff are neutral and objective.
For the Children:
The home-like atmosphere of Child Visitation and Exchange Centers is comforting and calming for children.
Children can maintain a relationship with both parents.
Children can anticipate the visits without the stress of worrying about what is going to happen and enjoy them in a safe, comfortable environment without having to be put in the middle of their parents' conflict and/or other problems.
Children can come to the CVEC knowing that they will not end up in the middle of their parents’ arguments or have to witness conflict/violence.
For Everyone:
The Child Visitation and Exchange Centers are a positive and neutral environment for families.
Staggered arrival and departure times for parents ensure there is no contact between parties, reducing stress for the entire family.
Families can refer themselves to the Child Visitation and Exchange Center. You do NOT have to be court-ordered to benefit from the services offered by the center.
Child Visitation and Exchange Center staff can provide reports to the court as needed.
Trained security is on-site and the Child Visitation and Exchange Center is a secure facility ensuring safe and friendly services.
Child Visitation and Exchange Center staff can provide families with referrals to other community services that they could benefit from.
Supervised visitations and exchanges can be arranged seven days a week, excluding some holidays.
CVEC Supervisors and Security are highly trained and treat all participants with dignity and respect.
How do you schedule a visit or exchange?
Prior to scheduling visits or exchanges, each parent will need to contact the CVEC to schedule an intake separately. Once both intakes are completed, visits or exchanges may be scheduled. For more information or to schedule an intake, call 620-342-0076.
What are the Services Fees?
As a nonprofit agency, CVEC services are provided at a small fee:
Intake (if residing within service area*): $40
Intake (if residing outside the service area): $50
Visitation: $20/hour
Exchange: $5 per client, per exchange
Objective CVEC summary reports can be provided for an additional fee.
*The SOS service area consists of Lyon, Coffey, Osage, Morris, and Chase counties. Payment may be made in cash only.
**Parent fees pay only a portion of what it costs to provide services for the many families who use the CVEC. In addition, the CVEC is supported in part by other funding sources, such as state and federal grants, the United Way of the Flint Hills, and donations from private foundations and individuals.
Where is the CVEC located?
The SOS Child Visitation & Exchange Center is located at 1420 C of E Drive in Emporia.
Tara Schnakenberg: CVEC Director
SOS Child Visitation & Exchange Center
1420 C of E Drive, Suite 6
Emporia, KS 66801