24/7 Helpline 1-800-825-1295 / Text SOSKS to 847411
SOS Crisis Services offers advocacy to assist adults and children experiencing sexual and domestic violence, stalking, and human trafficking move past the trauma they have endured. People of any gender or orientation can be victims – as well as perpetrators. Traumatic experiences physically alter the brain. Many times, the fallout from a traumatic experience is confusing and makes a person feel “not themselves” – sometimes to the extent that a seemingly normal life is gone. With caring support traumatized people can recover and normal lives can be regained. Advocates are professionally trained to provide sensitive services based on the needs expressed by the client. A person becomes a client when she, he or they agree to services.
Advocates are committed to providing compassionate, non-judgmental, free and confidential services. We believe our clients deserve:
To be genuinely heard,
To be believed, and
To be the decision maker about their lives.
These tenants hold true regardless of who a person is. All people deserve and receive our respect.
Advocacy can be defined as the action of support. SOS Advocates offer options and discuss their pros and cons. Then the client decides what direction is best for them to take. An advocate may help the client access information they need or be a supportive presence at court hearings, meetings and interviews. Advocates spend time with clients to get to know their views and wishes and deliver services in a way this is client-centered and trauma-informed.
Advocates support independence. Certain people in clients’ lives, such as family, friends and other professionals, can be supportive and helpful but their relationships may be difficult if the client does not take action others want them to take. An advocate is independent and must represent the wishes of the client without judgement or opinion. We believe clients are the experts on their own lives.

I just want to say that I’m really glad I called you. Everybody kept telling me to call SOS, and I was like ‘No Way!' Eventually, I realized I have nothing to lose. He is going to kill me. So, I called SOS.
You were so real, and you totally didn’t judge me. You provided me with a judge-free zone and showed support in whatever I wanted to do.
Even when I said I was tempted to go back
to the guy who tried to kill me, you said
‘I’m here for you. Let’s make a safety plan.’
That’s when I realized, okay SOS really has my back. I’m so glad I have you guys.
And now I tell everybody, CALL SOS!